Plastic recycling – regranulate production
Our company specialises in the recycling and production of plastic regranulate, with special emphasis on LDPE materials. Our qualified staff and top-class production equipment allow us to uninterruptedly supply top-notch materials satisfying the requirements of the most renowned Polish and foreign foil manufacturers.
We produce LDPE regranulate in the following forms:
- Colourless regranulate
- Black regranulate
- Regranulate in different colours (e.g. white, red, blue)

Upon request, each of the above regranulates can be manufactured according to the predefined MFR, MFV values. In line with our procedures, each production batch is tested on a testing machine Zwick Roell. Furthermore, the following values are monitored for each product on our offer: product type and form, colour, composition, filtration, density, humidity. Values of these elements of specification can be modified to meet your particular requirements.

Comprehensive Waste Collection

Purchase of recyclable materials
Types of accepted recyclable materials
We purchase a wide range of recyclable materials of different types, with special emphasis on the following:
- All sorts of plastics (we particularly specialise in LDPE foils)
- Wastepaper (e.g. labels, newspapers, solid and corrugated cartons)
- Homogenous hard plastic waste (e.g. concentrate containers, bottle caps, post-production plastic waste)
- Colourless and coloured PET bottles (as post-production or post-consumer waste)
- Recyclable multi-material waste (e.g. paper with aluminium, Tetra Pak beverage and liquid food cartons)